
Truck of the Future

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24h Volvo Challenge


During a 24hour challenge, Volvo Group invited us to think of new services based on the use of connected urban trucks to contribute to the growth of creative, dynamic and sustainable towns and cities.

In a team of 4, we collaborated on developing three main ideas. The first is the Electromagnet mechanical lift which facilitates the transfer of packages from the back of the truck to the delivery site without the need of the driver’s physical assistant. It picks up the package using the electromagnet from inside the truck, and move it to the delivery site

The second are rolling bearings on the floor inside the truck, to facilitate the movement of the selected package for its selected destination

The third is a connected network between trucks and infrastructure (traffic lights, Access control, etc…) so that deliveries could be adapted to their context (Time of day, Cargo load, etc…)

Team members: Henrique Menezes, Jan Höchst, Ratnakar Alkanti


Future Truck

Future Truck Sketch

Truck Sketch
